For example 2520 is the smallest positive number which can be divided by integers from 1 to 10(included) with remainder '0'.
What is the smallest positive number which can be divided by integers from 1 to 20(included) then?
This c problem is taken by me from: (
In addition to problem, i printed result on the screen.
You can copy codes below to your compiler to execute.
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) //main function.
int spn = 20; //smallest positive number that mentioned.
int flag = 0; //we will use it to get out from loop or continue.
int counter = 0; //this counter will show program how many times spn was divided with remainder 0.
while(flag == 0)
spn++; //this code will update spn to check next value.
for (int k = 1; k <= 20; k++) //this loop will find if spn is divisible for all integers 20 >= x > 1 with 0 remainder.
if (spn % k == 0)
else break;
if (counter == 20) //if it is true, it means that we find spn that I searched.
flag = 1;
counter = 0; //this code will turn counter to 0 to use it again.
printf("smallest positive number is %d", spn);
return 0;
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